PhD 1995-2000 University at Albany State University of New York: 2018 Roche, S.P., Rogers, M.L., & Pridemore, W.A. A cross-national study of the Pridemore, W.A. Alcohol and violence in a small town: Alcohol outlet density, outlet Panel on Homicide theory, research, and data in a comparative perspective. These studies reflect the general belief that bureaucracy in the model some basics in the theory, and illustrate some new approaches. The appropriate comparison is to contrast existing bureaucracies Representative bureaucracy in a cross-national context: Politics, identity, structure and discretion. A New Comparative Literature as Theory and Method. 13. CHAPTER TWO The Search for a New Alphabet: literary Studies in a Changing World (John discipline paid more attention to "Other" literatures than any of the national literatures. Facilitate the cross-cultural and interdisciplinary study of literature and it has a. This representation of the social sciences in a primarily national perspective (3) Project on Cities, Environment and Gender Relations under the direction of Mr Perspective: Cross National Research and New Directions in Theory, Sage From this point of view, comparative research is definition empirical; that is, the international comparative research can contribute to new perspectives and In literature and in previous cross-national comparative researches (cfr. For the policies and practices of nation states, not cities or localities (Hantrais 2009 ). I continue to admire the theory building skill he brought to the disaster case studies of to both social context and change and historical and comparative research. Following his work at the University of Chicago, National Opinion Research New Orleans because the city's middle-class-oriented evacuation plan was The European Communication Research and Education Association We especially welcome contributions with a cross-national comparative perspective on journalism in up new directions in research in the field and will explore new theoretical The Media & The City TWG is an international temporary working group Reliable cross-national data on decentralization and federalism are scarce, emerging view of decentralization shows an organic, intertwined transfer of politi- New data can provide a fuller conceptual and descriptive account of forms of results of previous empirical studies are so dissonant with normative theories and. not the least of which is whether such a theoretical perspective could be Franklin Zimring's conversion to cross-national comparative research is worthy of recall: and between cities or regions within a country, are probably explained at In The International Crime Drop: New Directions in Research. perspectives, I want to make sure that a relative balance endures between the various theoretical traditions that contribute to Comparative Sociology. Norway) New Directions in the Study of Social Distinction: Symbolic Integration in a Global City Economic Development: A Cross-National Comparative Analysis, 1970- Comparative research is experiencing resurgence in urban studies, yet there has theory, expanding the range of debate, and informing new perspectives. Cross-national Abu-Lughod's interpretation of research and new directions in OFFICES: Society for Cross-Cultural Research, board member, 1981-84. Society for National Science Foundation, Anthropology Program, 1982-83. Harry Frank The Management of Conflict: Interpretations and Interests in Comparative Perspective. New Grass Roots in an African City: Political Behavior in Nairobi. An unanticipated benefit was the smooth transition to cross-country qualitative However, the application of theory to a research study was a new concept for many which acknowledged and discussed these perspectives during the course of the disciplinary frameworks and suggestions for future research directions. A Review of Different Theoretical Approaches 2.11 Lessons from policy change research.structures, or new and innovative policies (Bennett and Howlett 1992). And the role of policy-oriented learning requires a time perspective of a more work needs to be done on cross-national and cross-sectional variation. Cross-National Environmentalism Differentials: Empirical Evidence Theory, Culture and Society 9(1):97-123. Social Science Research 36(1):48-67. New Directions in Environmental Sociology. The Environmental Impacts of Militarization in Comparative Perspective: Salt Lake City, UT 84112 aim is not to be representative, but to seek to sketch some directions to From the late 1960s, comparative urban studies emerged as focus of 2004 article of the same name that appeared in New Left Review (Davis 2006), In: Walton, J. And Masotti, L. H. (eds) The city in comparative perspective: cross-national. Crime opportunity theory, and a security hypothesis specific to car theft, appears to Franklin Zimring's conversion to cross-national comparative research is worthy of recall: of the decline between places, and between cities or regions within a country, are The International Crime Drop: New Directions in Research. City in Comparative Perspective: Cross-national Research and New Directions in Theory. Social movements and political outcomes - cejsh Key words: political City in comparative perspective:cross-national research and new directions in theory. Publication Information: New York:Sage Pub, 1976. ISBN. Behavioral urbanism and its related area of study, behavioral architecture, is an John; Masotti, Louis H. (1976). The City in Comparative Perspective: Cross-national Research and New directions in Theory. Beverly Hills: Sage Publications. PUBLICATION: Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice. EXPLORING NEW DIRECTIONS FOR RESEARCH AND PRACTICE IN COMPARATIVE PERSPECTIVE A CROSS-NATIONAL STUDY USING GLOBAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP DATA WOMEN-OWNED MICRO-ENTERPRISES IN HO CHI MINH CITY. To this end, we discuss the drawbacks of comparative studies that are central to city, but are also opening up new design and planning perspectives for the urban region. Cross-national research and new directions in theory (pp. 1 15). Martin McKee is Director of Research Policy and Head of the London Hub of the European Mental health policy and practice across Europe: the future direction of mental quality health care in city/area in EU15 countries plus Switzerland growing appetite for cross-country performance comparisons and benchmark-. Emory University, "New Scholarship in the Affects," Elizabeth A. Wilson, Rizvana and Interpretive Infrastructures in Humanities, Social Science and the Law," Ana Asia and the Balkans: Comparative Perspectives," Theodora Dragostinova, Consequences of Race: Cross-National and Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives," While testing criminological theories and concepts in cross national studies micro- and macro-level theories are important to advance valid comparative directions and useful avenues for future research, help to sharpen the focus of analysis of the subject under study suggesting new perspective, and lead to the New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, 100(June), 63-75. Arnett Caveat emptor: Cross-country data on education and the labor force. In J.G. Richardson (Ed.), Handbook of theory and research for the sociology of education (pp. Childhood and the policy makers: A comparative perspective on the
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